5 underutilized ways to discover leads on X/twitter you won't find in any course

5 underutilized tactics to discover leads on /twitter you won't find in any course

In today's online world, waiting for customers to visit you just doesn't work. You may have experienced this already after creating social profiles and your website. You opened your digital doors - and hardly anyone came. Luckily, there's a simple solution.

You need to grab people's attention so that they become aware of your offers. This is what lead generation does.

It's the first step to attract potential buyers. Without it, your business growth is nearly impossible. You need a constant lead influx in order to let your business thrive. And this requires a strategic approach turned into a system. Preferrably an automated one.

The first step to get their attention is to find them. Now here comes the good part that you won't learn anywhere else:

1. Giveaway Gold Rush

Ever noticed those giveaways in your niche? They're not just freebies - they're lead magnets on steroids. Next time you spot one, don't just scroll past. Take a moment to check out who's commenting. These folks are actively engaging with content in your space, making them prime candidates for your offer.

Sort out the accounts that have a big following, because chances are they engaged with the giveaway to help the creator boost it. The smaller accounts are your leads.

Pro tip: Look for comments that show genuine interest or ask thoughtful questions. These are your high-quality leads waiting to be discovered.

2. Follow the Leader's... Follows

We all have those creators we admire in our niche. But have you ever thought about who they're following? It's like getting a VIP pass to a goldmine of high-quality accounts.

You will find their friends and their customers in their follows. Their friends are a valuable source for more leads, while their customers themselves are your leads too. They already purchased from a creator in your space, so chances are they a) have money and b) are willing to invest it into themselves and their business.

3. Follower Treasure Hunt

Speaking of those favorite creators, let's talk about their followers. These aren't just numbers – they're potential leads who've already shown interest in your niche.

Twitter started limiting the amount of followers we can see from other accounts, so this means you have to come back regularly to check for new ones. I found once per day a good rhythm to do this, because big creators get a lot of followers fast.

Quick exercise: Pick your top 3 favorite creators and spend 10 minutes exploring their followers. You might be surprised at the gems you find!

4. Hashtag Detective Work

I know, I know – hashtags feel so 2015. But here's a secret: many small businesses are still using them, and that's great news for you. It's like they're waving a flag saying, "Hey, we're interested in this topic!"

Try this: Make a list of 5-10 hashtags relevant to your niche. Spend a few minutes each day exploring posts under these hashtags. You'll find businesses and individuals actively discussing topics you care about.

Put the accounts you find onto your own private twitter list and engage with them on a daily basis. Pick accounts that have little buzz, because this means you'll stand out to them.

And when you start engaging with them, chances are they see you, engage back and eventually follow you. This is the moment when you've got their attention to present your offer in the DMs.

5. Your Home Base

Sometimes, the best leads are right under our noses. Your own followers are a goldmine of potential connections. These people have already shown interest in you – they're practically begging for your attention!

Your own followers are warm leads. This is by far the best source of leads for you, because when you send them a DM, they get a notification. Meaning: your DM is seen instantly.

Set aside 15 minutes a day to engage with your followers. Reply to their tweets, ask questions, and show genuine interest. You'll be amazed at the relationships (and leads) you can build.

Bonus Tip: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Not all leads are quality leads. To make your efforts efficient - especially when you engage with them to get their attention - I'd recommend filtering the twitter accounts you find with the above techniques.

Useful filters are:

  • if their DMs are open - sales happen in the DMs on twitter, so you need to be able to contact them
  • Keywords in their bio - this helps focusing on your ICP
  • if they have a url in their profile - meaning: they might already be in business and therefore more professional
  • if their accounts are verified - chances are they mean business
  • if their account is possibly sensitive - it shouldn't be if you engage with them to not harm your own account

Now, I know what you're thinking. "This sounds great, but I'm already stretched thin!" I hear you. That's why I'm a big believer in working smarter, not harder.

You can of course go ahead and find leads manually in the places I gave you above. I did this in the beginning too. But then I noticed that it takes up way too much time and energy, and decided to code a solution.

It can auto collect the leads using the filters above, and auto DM them in customized DM campaigns - freeing up 3h+ of my day now that I can use to code, build genuine connections, do marketing or just enjoy life.

And since I appreciate you being here, you'll get a 50% discount in your first month to try things out and see for yourself.

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