Business owners, Coaches and Professionals who want more clients:

Get 100s of new leads every month on demand

easy to use

save 3+ hours each day

fully automate lead generation

Get started

Who's this Tool for?


Creators who want to find new leads while tinkering with their money making machine.


Coaches who want to get in touch with new clients to do what they do best: transforming people's lives.


Ghostwriters who want to attract new clients while focusing on their creative craft.

Business Owners

Business owners like social media agencies, and everyone who wants to grow their business without wasting hours doing manual outreach.

LeadzFindr Screenshot

How it works

1. Collect profiles of users from posts or followers. With powerful filters such as keywords in profile to select your ICP.

2. Design your custom campaign with personalized messages.

3. Watch your inbox get flooded with high quality leads. All you need to do is close them.

Start generating leads now

The Problems this Lead generating Tool solves

An empty Inbox

You dedicate a ton of energy to ensure the quality of your service. But somehow no one seems interested. Meanwhile, you see people with a fraction of your experience (and IQ) get overloaded with leads and close one sale after the other.


You eagerly started reaching out to people in the DMs, but due to doing copy/paste too fast, the platform gives you a ban for a few hours. After a while, you give up thinking "I'm not made for this". Only to restart the cycle a few months later.

Burning out

You reach out to people manually in the DMs for hours and are wondering how to take care of the rest of your life. You're close to breaking point. All because you didn't realize you could automate DM outreach so easily.

Low quality Leads

You somehow manage to find leads on , but it a) takes ages because most of them seem to have their DMs closed and b) you'd like to have filters that sort out the gems for you.


Snails are eating your Kale

And your salad. And your dahlias. I'm sorry, but this tool won't solve that. If you find a solution though, please let me know.

Lead Tsunami Warning

Everything you need to get your DMs flooded with quality leads

Instant lead generation

Collect hundreds of quality leads in seconds using powerful filters to scale your outreach efforts exponentially.

Customizable outreach campaigns

Create and manage multiple message templates for diverse campaigns, ensuring tailored communication for different audiences.

Safety first

Randomized message rotation and slow sending enhance safety and platform compliance.


Trusted by people like you
Christian Passlick Profile Pic

Christian Passlick

Entrepreneur & Life/Business Coach

I love using "LeadzFindr" made by my good friend, prodhackers. It has changed my business in a big way! Now, I can find lots of great leads on X, and it's been really awesome.

One of the best things about LeadzFindr is the autoDMs with different message templates. It makes my messages safe and smart. I also like that it sorts out closed DMs for me, saving lots of time. Plus, I can see if there's a URL in the bio, which helps me find the best leads.

The full automation is amazing! With just one click, I'm done for the day. No more getting tired from finding leads and copying messages. LeadzFindr makes everything easy and lets me focus on growing my business.

Thank you, prodhackers, for making this amazing tool! Chris - Creator of Mindtutorials

Michael Gruber Profile Pic

Michael Gruber

Product Owner & High-Performance Coach

Leadzfindr is an incredibly helpful tool to help all kinds of side-hustlers and business owners automate their outreach process.

You can craft your own templates and create campaigns in which the different templates are sent out in a random order. Setting up campaigns with potential leads has never been easier before!

Definitely worth a try my friends!

Maxi Hristov Profile Pic

Maxi Hristov

Creator of the Freedom Warrior Newsletter

LeadzFindr is my favourite tool to:

  • get closer with my new audience and turn them into lifelong friends.
  • offer free value to my followers.
  • help grow The Warrior Newsletter, a place where productive minds unite.

Personal outreach is always more impactful than simply posting online.

Trust me - LeadzFindr makes it possible. Read that again.


Is it safe?

Our tool runs on your device and sends the messages way slower than you would do yourself manually.

Make sure to start with 10 DMs/day if you've never send DMs before and slowly add more (1-5 DMs) each day.

At least 3 message templates per campaign are recommended so that LeadzFindr can randomly rotate them for extra safety.

Engage normally on every day. Like, comment and repost people to show your account is human.

And of course let your account alone while you send auto DMs.

With these safety measures in place, it is safe.

Where can I find leads?

LeadzFindr collects the profile data of accounts who:

  • replied to a post/thread/giveaway/ad
  • reposted a post/thread/giveaway/ad
  • liked your own post/thread/giveaway/ad
  • followed you
  • followed someone else

You can also collect the profile data of people who liked your own posts.

How can I find posts to collect leads from?
  • use the search function in X by entering keywords your target customer would be looking for
  • start to engage with people in your niche and use the 'suggested' feature on X
  • identify the thought leaders in your niche by observing and asking others
  • find big accounts in your niche, pick posts from them that are aligned with your own niche
  • find giveaway posts that your target customer is interested in
  • create a giveaway yourself
  • create posts yourself that your ideal customer is interested in
  • check your own bookmarks
  • check who the big accounts are following. Their friends are likely a good fit too.
I need more auto DMs/day

You can upgrade to the next tier any time or contact us if you need even more.

Are the licenses tied to one account?

No, you have the freedom to use as many accounts as you like with any tier.

The amount of messages you sent is connected to your license key.

Do I need to keep my computer open for it to run?

Yes. LeadzFindr is Firefox extension. This is the safest way to automate your messaging and protect your accounts.

Simple and transparent Pricing

Charged monthly. You can cancel any time.

Get 2 months for free when you choose yearly

50% off in your first month expires in:



VAT excl.

send up to 100 DMs/day

1,000 DMs/mo max.

3,000 leads/mo max.

unlimited message templates

unlimited campaigns

use with as many twitter accounts as you like

white labelled messages
(no hint of LeadzFindr)



VAT excl.

send up to 200 DMs/day

4,000 DMs/mo max.

10,000 leads/mo max.

unlimited message templates

unlimited campaigns

use with as many twitter accounts as you like

white labelled messages
(no hint of LeadzFindr)



VAT excl.

send up to 1k DMs/day*

20,000 DMs/mo max.

50,000 leads/mo max.

unlimited message templates

unlimited campaigns

use with as many twitter accounts as you like

white labelled messages
(no hint of LeadzFindr)



VAT excl.

we build targeted and qualified lists of your ideal prospect

we engage with them to get their attention

we write professional, high-converting DM templates customized to your needs

and send custom DMs to thousands of your ideal prospects

you get leads directly to your inbox

all you need to do is close them

for 1 twitter account
* X/Twitter limits every account to 500 DMs/day